Monday, October 12, 2015

Chapter 3

In chapter 3, the author uses the simile, "Nick could feel a homework assignment coming  the way a farmer can feel a rainstorm."  Why do you think the author did this?  What does he mean here?

At this part of the book, are there any clues to what the main conflict may be?  Has there been any conflict?  If so, what is it?

Chapter 2- Please post by Thursday the 15th.

In chapter 2, we learn a lot about Mrs. Granger, Describe her Character?  What is she like.  What evidence do you have from the text?  Post your thoughts about Ms. Granger after reading chapter 2.  Use text evidence to support your answer.

Welcome and Chapter 1

This is where we are going to talk about our Books.  For our first book, we will be reading Frindle by Andrew Clements.   You can learn more about the author on this page .

I am going to read the first chapter to you, and then we will post together so you can see how it is done.